Budapest XIII. | 2023-24

The 443-apartment residential building is a project of Biggeorge Real Estate Development and the general design of Hajnal Architecture. Our office prepared the construction plans. The planning area is located in the XIII. district of Budapest, bordered by Szabolcs utca and Szabolcs köz and by railway tracks from the south. The project will be implemented in two phases. The investor has requested a mixed function building (residential, commercial, community functions). The 36 600 m² gross floor area of the Westside Grand I and Westside Grand II complexes (23 900 + 12 700) envisaged by the investor was designed to be as far apart as possible, and the most suitable solution was to create a 45x45m internal park, which will close off the adjacent framed development on Szabolcs köz. From the 2nd floor upwards, the building masses are clad in brick, creating a link between the old built environment and the new residential buildings. The dark brick cladding of the 2nd floor forms a transition between the glass surfaces of the commercial function at the bottom of the building and the façade of the residential function. The proposed floor plan is rational and economical. The central corridors are 1.5 m wide, with natural lighting from level 1 to level 4 provided through atria in the corners of the building mass. On the ground floor, there are shops, car and bicycle storage, a lobby and a community room

General contractor:Hajnal Építész iroda Kft.
Lead Architect:Hajnal Zsolt, Kendelényi Péter
Building Permission Plan:Hajnal Építész iroda Kft.
Building Construction Plan:4N Építésziroda kft.
BCP Project Architect:Schadl Zoltán
BCP Fellow Architects:Fedor Lukács, Garai Kata, Hinterauer Márk
Structural engineer:Méri Tamás
Mechanical engineer:Nógrádi Péter
Electrical engineer:Mátyus Kornél
Landscape:Dr. Balogh Péter istván
Fire protection:Csuba Bendegúz
Acoustic:Csott Róbert
Road and garage technology:Pach Dániel
Construction details:Horváth Sándor, Foglszinger Ildikó